Big changes coming

This newsletter is getting a major upgrade on Monday. Get ready!

Hello reader! You are getting this email because you are on the free list for The Long Version. I’m writing to let you know that, starting Monday, things are going to look different around here: a new name, focus, look, and a whole new team behind me. There will also be new subscriber-only features rolling out in the weeks that follow.

To thank you for your support over the years, I’m offering a discount for free-listers to upgrade to an annual subscription. You will be getting full access to every feature of the new newsletter. More important, you’ll be helping support the relaunch at a critical time. You’ll be backing my (if I may be so bold) deeply researched, incisive style of independent journalism, not to mention subsidizing future subscriptions for those who can’t afford them. This offer is only available for relaunch week, and will be good for a full year:

We’ll be kicking off live from Charlottesville, with coverage of the lawsuit against the alleged conspirators behind the 2017 white supremacist rampage. It’s a fascinating case. I’ll be covering it from inside the courthouse.

Thanks again for all your support. I’m excited about what’s to come. I think you will be too.

Hasta pronto,



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